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4) S. Possemiers, A. Heyerick, V. Robbens, D. de Keukeleire, W. Verstraette // Activation of proestrogens from hops (Humulus lupulus L.) by intestinal microbiota; conversion of isoxanthohumol into 8-prenylnaringenin // Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53, 6281-6288 (2005).


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11) Б.М. Зузук, Р.В. Куцик // Хмель вьющийся (син. хмель обыкновенный). Humulus lupulus L. (Аналитический обзор) //Провизор 13-14 (2004).

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16) L.L. Ritter, R. Klein, B.E.K. Klein, J.A. Mares-Perlman, S.C. Jensen // Alcohol use and age-related maculopathy in the Beaver Dam Eye Study // American Journal of Ophthalmology 120, 190-196 (1995).


17) S.E. Moss, R. Klein, B.E.K. Klein, S.C. Jensen, S.M. Meuer // Alcohol consumption and the 5-year incidence of age-related maculopathy: The Beaver Dam eye study // Ophthalmology 105, 789-794 (1998).


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20) L. Westney, R. Bruney, B. Ross, J.F.J. Clark, S. Rajguru, B. Ahluwalia // Evidence that gonadal hormone levels in amniotic fluid are decreased in males born to alcohol users in humans // Alcohol and Alcoholism 26, 403-407 (1991).


21) Рынок пива России // Международный аналитический журнал «Пивное дело» 4 (2006).




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