Библиотека < "Стволовые клетки: законодательство, исследования и инновации. Международные перспективы сотрудничества" (тез. докл.), 2007 г < Тезисы на английском языке
См. подразделы:
Somatic instability detection in humans by DNA-fingerprinting
Stem cells in liver regeneration and fibrosis
Use of metal-coated and ceramic-coated polymers as scaffolds for composite implants
Characterisation of STR0C05, a human neural stem cell derived from fetal striatum for Huntington’s Disease therapy
Stem and germ cells in mammals and asexually reproducing invertebrates: comparative study of evolutionary conservative mechanisms of “stemness”
Human embryonic stem cells: prospects for basic research and practical applications
Expression of non-coding natural antisense transcript complementary to iNOS mRNA is decreased in neurospheres derived from human embryonic cells
Differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells
Initial events of differentiation of mdx mice striated muscle fibers after bone-marrow stem cells therapy
The induction of differentation of mouse embryonic stem cells in conditions of prolonged cultivation with lif recombinant protein
Chromosomal reorganization in human embryonic stem cell lines provides a model for cytogenetic research
Legislation in organ’s transplantation - fundamentals for the legal development of stem cells technologies
Isolation of reserve cells from human adipose tissue subjected cryogenic shock and them characteristic
Biodegradable Biopolymer Scaffolds for Reconstruction Surgery and Cell Transplantation
Possibility of mesenhcymal stem cells application in the treatment of therapy-resistant nervous system disorders
An influence of mesenchymal stem cells transplantation upon cognitive function restoration after stroke in rats
Mesenchymal stem cells distribution in the inflamed tissue after various ways of transplantation
Mesenchymal stem cells transplantation in brain trauma treatment
Epigenetic control of human embryonic stem cells differentiation into endothelial cells
Изменен: 6.03.09
Узлов всего: 3 914. Узлов на вкладке: 1 617. Узлов в узле: 19. Последнее обновление: 20.01.13 19:08
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